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About me

I am Roxana and I was born in Bucharest - Romania in February 1977.

I started scrapbooking after I gave birth to Vlad, in an attempt to create a digital photo album with his pictures. I liked it very much, because this was offering unlimited possibilities, and suddenly I could do everything that went through my head and combine elements in ways that no specialized software could do, transforming every picture in a unique and special memory.
So I became passionate about digital scrapbooking and photography.
I'm not a photographer in the true sense, I have no claim that my pictures are extraordinary. Let's be realistic! I am an amateur, I like to take pictures of anything that arouses a certain emotion at a certain moment, of anything that gives me an idea for a scrapbook page and because that makes me feel good, just like that.
But, I'm happy to share all these things with anyone who is willing to take a look.
Thank you for passing by and for spending a moment of your precious time to take a look around here!


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