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Saint Nicholas's precious gift

I remember the holidays of Saint Nicholas as a child, the nights when I could hardly sleep with the emotion, joy and curiosity hidden in my soul. I could hardly wait the morning to wake up and run in my bare feet to the door, where the polished boots from the night before were filled with sweets, oranges and bananas. These were difficult times and my mom and grandparents could hardly find and buy all those "wonders", that were not found on the shelves of the shops during the hard years of communism. But, every year, they were making great efforts to find them, just to see in my eyes that sparkle of joy. I will never forget the Chinese chocolate in red and golden packaging with the small bee drawn on it, Cuban candies with orange flavor, bananas and oranges whose magic smell was filling the air. I remember the not too long ago years of Vlad's childhood, when in the evening of Saint Nicholas I didn't know where to hide the presents, not to be detected by his eagle eyes. And no less was his joy, in the morning when he was waking up and running quickly to the door to cram into his boots, then he was coming to us with arms full of magical gifts that enchanted his soul and made his big black eyes sparkle with happiness. It is much easier for us than it was for our parents, now there is no problem finding in stores everything a child could want. Now he's grown, the magic is a bit lost, but I know for sure that tomorrow morning, the first thing he'll do is to run to his boots to check what Saint Nicholas brought him. And I will see in his eyes a small part of that sparkle as a child, and this will be my most precious gift, from Saint Nicholas!

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